17,000 visitors expected, 70 nationalities represented. UK government committing a strong turnout and a range of cities and regions exhibiting including London, Liverpool, Newcastle, Cardiff, West of England, Dudley, Lancashire and Central South. MIPIM is back and we have been talking to our journalist friends and contacts to hear their take on what to expect. Here’s a little flavour…

  • The consensus seems to be that Europe will be there in force. The ease of the event, geographically and politically, for the core European contingent, paired with their position in the progress of the Covid pandemic, will make European delegates the core presence at MIPIM 2022. Delegates may have been slow to commit compared with previous years, but France’s confirmation in February that it would allow international entry with limited Covid paraphernalia was clearly a turning point for many European would-be MIPIM goers. The return of significant numbers of delegates from further afield may come only if and when the value of this costly event, financially and environmentally, has been reasserted.
  • Leading on from that, ESG considerations have clearly shot up the agenda in the past few years and we all expect to see delegations’ presentation of themselves, their offer and their business agenda to have evolved in recognition of this. The value of in-person networking retains a key role for the majority, but investors have recognised that financial returns are only part of the picture in a 2022 real estate environment. Stands and speeches alike will reflect the greener face of real estate. E-business cards, tablets and reusable coffee cups will all play a part. Let’s hope to be able to count the number of leaflet hand-outs on one hand. Wads of paper will clearly be long gone.
  • If the past two years has taught us anything, it is how fast the world of work is changing and how quickly the industry needs to adapt and re-adapt to keep ahead of the curve and maintain or gain ground. One industry expert cited offices “having their equivalent of retail’s online revolution” thanks to Covid. We must not underestimate the change that has come and how much is still ahead. MIPIM has always been about sharing best practice, making meaningful links and developing the real estate sector en masse. Let’s see if it can keep doing so as the pace of change hastens like never before.

We hope to see you here.