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Establishing a London Neighbourhood Forum

Following introduction of Neighbourhood Planning through the Localism Act 2011, Redwood was instructed to consult with a number of stakeholders in Mayfair as well as Westminster Council to establish Mayfair as the first Neighbourhood Forum in Westminster.

Redwood worked closely with major landlords in the area, including Grosvenor and The Crown Estate as well as the residents associations, namely Residents Society of Mayfair and St James’ and Grosvenor Mayfair Residents Association, as well as consulting local businesses on the establishment of the Forum.

Activity included detailed consultation with businesses, politicians and the public as well as establishment and management of the fledgling processes of the forum, including drafting a constitution, which has since become the best case example in Westminster. A key part of Redwood’s role was also on advising key stakeholders on the legal requirements of Neighbourhood Planning to ensure due process was followed.

As a result, the Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum was the first application successfully approved by Westminster City Council and was successfully designated a business forum, reflecting its make-up as a well-known central London residential and commercial area.

Redwood has supported and advised on other Neighbourhood Planning matters in Westminster and throughout the UK.



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