The redevelopment of the Corn Exchange building is edging ever closer to completion following the erection of a steel frame adjacent to the building on 28 February. The restoration of the Grade II Listed building marks the first phase of Lincoln’s eagerly anticipated new retail and leisure destination, The Cornhill Quarter.

Local press gathered alongside Simon Gregory, Managing Director of Lindum Construction, the contractor on the scheme; Simon Bridge, Director of Banks and Long Co, the local agent and the developer of the scheme, Lincolnshire Co-op, to watch the milestone moment.

Redwood coordinates media relations on The Cornhill Quarter in Lincoln, working alongside the retail and destination marketing firm, MadisonSoho. The project is part of a £70 million redevelopment to rejuvenate Lincoln’s retail offering and city centre, encompassing Sincil Street, City Square and the Corn Exchange building.

The steel structure will form a new building bridging the gap between the Corn Exchange and the Greenwoods building and extend the rear. The new two storey steel frame structure will have specially commissioned imperial brick cladding with natural stone, procured from local quarries, forming the decorative banding façades.

The Corn Exchange building has undergone interior modifications, which are nearing completion, as well as installation of new stairwells and lifts to the first floor. Work to new structural flooring and underground services has also taken place in readiness for the new tenants.

Specialist cleaning and careful restoration work is underway to the exterior walls and ornate brickwork. Once completed, feature windows will be installed to the first floor, bringing the exterior transformation close to completion.     

Local construction company Lindum, which is working on the building for Lincolnshire Co-op, announced works on the Corn Exchange building are on schedule for a summer 2017 opening. As a result, the three exciting new retailers coming to the Corn Exchange will be handed the keys ready for fit out in June.

Flying Tiger Copenhagen, Moss Bros. and Cosy Club, will be taking space in the Corn Exchange building. Each will bring a different offer to the area, from casual dining and drinking to stylish yet affordable homeware products and a versatile range of menswear.