Redwood is delivering communications and stakeholder support to Cherwell District Council to help shape Bicester’s identity as a newly designated garden town.
Bicester’s garden town status was announced as part of the National Infrastructure Plan in 2014, a move which prioritised almost £2bn worth of investment to develop thousands of homes. Bicester is growing rapidly, with 13,000 new homes anticipated in the coming years. Garden town status allows Bicester to do so sustainably with suitable infrastructure and with input from local people.
Redwood is working alongside branding consultants Harrison:Fraser to engage with local stakeholders and communicate these growth priorities whilst developing an ongoing conversation with local people to draw out their aspirations for their town. The exhibition is designed to encourage feedback and engagement through innovative and interactive exercises, and the conversation continues online via Cherwell District Council’s owned social media platforms.
Information gathered during the consultation exercise will feed into an emerging masterplan for the town.