Our Services

Reputation drives a business forward and achieves asset goals. Everything we do is about building, protecting and enhancing it.


Strategic communications consultancy

  • Key messaging
  • Change communications
  • Perception audits
  • Internal communications
  • SME business communications
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Setting the tone, direction and pace of the communications roadmap

Strategic communications consultancy

Setting the tone, direction and pace of the communications roadmap

We pride ourselves on delivering strategic, integrated communications campaigns. Whether at a local, national or international level, we ensure we are directly aligned with clients’ business objectives. We take the time to get to know your business to have a real impact on your bottom line.

Key messaging

The narrative informs communication and engagement with all stakeholders. Storytelling is at the heart of everything we do, be it for communicating with investors or community groups. Working closely with clients, we can develop, refine and challenge their narrative to provide a working suite of key messages.

Change communications

Change, whether it’s a merger, difficult HR decision or significant reconstruction, needs to be carefully managed and communicated to your stakeholders both internal and external. We help businesses navigate change through tailored strategies and toolkits to help your business emerge even stronger.

Perception audits

Knowing how your business is perceived, and identifying its principal strengths and weaknesses in the eyes of others is a vital part of shaping not just its PR persona but its entire direction. Redwood carries out in-depth and insightful perception audits that tell you what you most need to know.

Internal communications

They may be your toughest audience, but your own workforce is certainly one of your most important. We can work with you to make sure your external communication is aligned with how you keep your people informed and motivated.

SME business communications

As an SME ourselves, we understand the pressures of resource and time, especially when it comes to PR and marketing. We help SMEs set their communications programme as a foundation for their future growth and expansion, equipping our clients with the tools to run communications at their own pace.

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Positioning and reputation management

  • Media relations
  • Thought leadership and research-led campaigns
  • Crisis communications
  • Social Media
  • Media and spokesperson training
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Communications tools and tactics to maintain, protect and enhance profile

Positioning and reputation management

Communications tools and tactics to maintain, protect and enhance profile

Reputation and positioning is at the heart of everything we do for businesses, assets and individuals. It is why our clients view us as trusted advisors across their businesses – in fact, many of them have done so for over 20 years.

Media relations

From day-to-day management of international press offices to creating high impact campaigns, we cover all aspects of media relations. Our relationships with key journalists in the mainstream and property trade press are second to none and form the basis of our skills and reputation in media engagement.

Thought leadership and research-led campaigns

Positioning spokespeople and businesses as industry leaders involves more than media relations. We develop long-term, bespoke campaigns for our clients around big ticket issues or key pieces of research that make use of a suite of tactics from industry comment to speaking opportunities and much more.

Crisis communications

We counsel clients to prepare for issues and crisis; advanced planning will put our clients in the best position to move forward. If a crisis breaks with no warning, we are a clear and decisive voice to help shape the dialogue with core audience groups, getting things back on track.

Social Media

With social media the platform of choice for much of today’s stakeholder dialogue and interaction, we’re helping our clients get to grips with this constantly evolving online landscape, incorporating it into wider communications programme through tailored social media policies and guidelines, integrated strategies and workshops.

Media and spokesperson training

Empowering spokespeople as the mouthpiece or figurehead of their organisation is a critical strategic leadership skill today, and also enables individuals to lead projects through local issues and live on-site incidents. We work with board executives and in-house communications teams to create appropriate and realistic training scenarios.

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Political and stakeholder communication

  • Community and Digital consultation
  • Community involvement
  • Local audits and research
  • Local media engagement
  • Construction communications
  • Policy-led communications
  • Neighbourhood Planning
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Engagement and dialogue to mobilise support and influence outcomes

Political and stakeholder communication

Engagement and dialogue to mobilise support and influence outcomes

Navigating the political and stakeholder landscape is challenging. From influencing political agenda to mobilising local support, we work with elected representatives, stakeholders and the media, to help clients deliver business outcomes and protect their investments throughout the asset life-cycle. It takes experience, integrity and determination. We have all three in spades.

Community and Digital consultation

In an increasingly digital world, we are experts at delivering thorough, robust and wide-ranging digital consultations across the UK. Working alongside a number of partners, we provide solutions to complex planning applications, communicating change and managing public opinion. As part of our digital consultation package, we offer:

  • Online webinars and stakeholder briefings
  • Dedicated workshop sessions on key themed areas
  • State of the art website development, with in built fly throughs, imagery, voiceovers and the most frequently asked questions
  • Digital advertising and media relations
  • Dedicated and tailored 24/7 feedback mechanisms including polling and multilingual support
  • Regular news updates to the local community via online channels

Please see below for some of our recent examples


Community involvement

Local communities and their representatives can make or break planning applications. Our team guides clients through community involvement for the life-cycle of a project; who to speak to, when and how. No two projects are the same and we work to tailor solutions to the challenges at hand.

Local audits and research

Understanding the landscape of local influencers and stakeholders is critical for asset strategy. Our local audits give a complete picture of the local community including key politicians, stakeholders and the media. We also offer a stakeholder mapping service, providing data and intelligence that shapes and informs our engagement recommendations.

Local media engagement

Delivering a message, driving a story and influencing the local news cycle are critical, but more importantly, our team is adept at engaging with local media, building good relationships and being responsive to local sentiment to protect clients’ long-term local reputations.

Construction communications

Securing planning consent does not mean the asset strategy has run its course. Indeed, ongoing and meaningful engagement with stakeholders, the local community and media throughout the construction process can be vital for your long-term reputation.

Policy-led communications

We speak the language of decision-makers and we help set and shape agendas to ensure our clients are heard and respected at the local, district, county, national or international level.

Neighbourhood Planning

Neighbourhood planning is becoming an integral part of the wider planning process across the country and local communities are increasingly aware of their new powers. Redwood has helped a number of neighbourhoods achieve Forum status, including Mayfair and Victoria, and has a detailed understanding of the process.

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Marketing and brand consultancy

  • Brand alignment
  • Marcomms
  • Events
  • Awards
  • Content creation and copywriting
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Brand promotion that stays true to the business narrative, aligned to strategy

Marketing and brand consultancy

Brand promotion that stays true to the business narrative, aligned to strategy

As guardian of our clients’ reputation we ensure marketing activity and brand positioning truly reflects the business and is aligned to strategic objectives – at corporate and asset level.

Brand alignment

More than just a logo, brand is how a business represents its values, strategy and services to multiple stakeholders. Our expertise is in scrutinising the brand to align with core business narrative, encapsulating key messages. Whether launching a new brand or refreshing an existing one, we help clients plan and execute enduring brand programmes.


We are the communications funnel for all complementary functions including advertising, creative and digital. This allows us to achieve consistency of message and maximise synergies and efficiencies wherever possible.


Events can be immensely effective in raising profile, driving business development and nurturing relationships.  Public exhibitions, awards ceremonies, corporate drinks parties, fashion shows and charity fundraisers; we can influence positive and measurable outcomes from the events programme through strategy setting and meticulous planning and execution.


Industry recognition and acknowledgment by peers helps to grow brands awareness, raise profile, motivate staff and demonstrate track record. We target the most influential awards in our clients’ sector and draft compelling award entries that articulate company achievements, or those of individual assets and developments.

Content creation and copywriting

Content is king.  Your audience today is time poor and information fatigued. We understand the need to keep content simple, fresh, considered and impactful, to give your messages the best chance of being heard by disparate audiences.

We're proud of our work

A selection of some of our best projects

Our Track Record